Weekly News Flash
Strait from UNSC Lunar Base one, to you
· Highlight
Gay marriage has been legalized in the United States. So yeah there’s that.
· Politics
After the death of three death row inmates, the Supreme Court ruled to limit the use of an execution drug which they said that caused extreme pain. Two members of the court, Justices Stephen G. and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, were very close to declaring that they were ready to rule a decision as unconstitutional. However, during this process, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, engaged them into a heated debate about the effectiveness of the capital punishment. In the end, a 5-to-4 decision ended the debate.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/30/us/supreme-court-execution-drug.html?ref=politics&_r=0
· Technology:
The unmanned SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was prepped from left-off yesterday when it exploded in mid-air. Elon Musk went to twitter and posted: there was an overpressure event in the upper stage liquid oxygen tank." Then he added: "That's all we can say with confidence right now. Will have more to say following a thorough". NASA officials are currently not sure why this happened.
- Gaming:
During E3, GamesRadar was interviewing Pete Hines and they managed to get a mic drop of him saying that the game, Fallout 4, was pretty much done. PC Gamer stated that it shouldn’t be a surprise since: “Hines himself pointed it out, if you say you're going to ship a game like Fallout 4 in five months, it better be just about finished.” (PC Gamer)
Wallpapers of the week
Have a nice seven days.